CBA is a high-performing on board device, that opens the access to any brake-based function and calibration. 

CBA ensures a precise and independent management of the single brake line and is able to accurately and rapidly obtain  any pressure requested by users.

With a focus on safety, the implementation of a fall-back strategy allows to confidently face emergency situations.

Corner Brake Actuator (CBA) on white background

Nominal Pressure100 bar
Max Working Pressure150 bar
Allowable Pressure200 bar
Maximum Pressure Gradient (¹)1600 bar/s
Minimum Time to Lock @80bar (²)75 ms
Typical Dimensions (³)270 x 100 x 110 mm (per unit)
Typical Weight (³)2.2 kg (per unit)
Voltage12-48 V
Nominal Current12 A
Max Current24 A
Rated Power260 W
(¹) Competitors’ typical values: 900 bar/s
(²) Competitors’ typical values: 130 ms
(³) Varies with requested capacity (reference: 7200mm3)